ALGSA FIGHT for a Better Life 2024

  • $371


  • $50,000


About this Cause

The ALGSA's FIGHT For A Better Life event is the Alagille Syndrome Alliance's largest annual fundraising campaign, and this year more than ever we are UNITED in the FIGHT! The FIGHT is a virtual, individual or team-based event held May 1st to June 15th of each year. During this time, ALGSA stakeholders including ALGS families and friends, create teams or individual customized fundraiser pages online through our platform with financial goals in mind. This is done in support of reaching individual and team fundraising goals and the ALGSA's overall fundraising goal. Each team or individual will plan and execute their own in-person or online fundraiser. Example fundraisers include pop can drives, shoe drives, restaurant fundraisers, auctions, yard sales, and online fundraisers - all at a comfortable level of involvement for the individual or team. This campaign funds ALGS programs and the development of opportunities for ALGS families around the world. Programs include the financial assistance program, educational resources, disease awareness, travel scholarships and event participation. Opportunities include connecting families to scientific and research projects, outlets to share their rare disease story, initiatives where they can inject their patient voice, and events they can participate in or even lead. Get started now! Create a team or individual fundraiser today. UNITE together with ALGS families, friends, and Alliance supporters from around the world to help reach our FIGHT goal! Make a big difference in the lives of those living and dealing with Alagille Syndrome. Help we need for this event: - Individual or family testimonies about how ALGSA programming or opportunities helped you personally - Individual or team "Why" via written or video testimony - Past individual or team fundraising success stories for new team fundraising inspiration - Spreading the word! Share, comment, and like FIGHT posts and content We are UNITED in the FIGHT! Won't you join us?

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